Jumat, 28 Desember 2018

Caesar Chiper Bruteforce python

Image result for caesar cipher

key = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

def encrypt(n, plaintext):
    """Encrypt the string and return the ciphertext"""
    result = ''

    for l in plaintext.lower():
            i = (key.index(l) + n) % 26
            result += key[i]
        except ValueError:
            result += l

    return result.lower()

def decrypt(n, ciphertext):
    """Decrypt the string and return the plaintext"""
    result = ''

    for l in ciphertext:
            i = (key.index(l) - n) % 26
            result += key[i]
        except ValueError:
            result += l

    return result

for i in range(27): 
    print i, decrypt (i,"frynzng. naqn oryhz orehaghat ")
    print encrypt(3,"wiki")
credit by kak thomas thanks..

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